Pennsylvania Professional Employment Network

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Recruiters and Hiring Managers

PAPEN can help you fill your professional and managerial positions with highly qualified, highly motivated people, at no cost or obligation to you.

Most of our Participants are degreed professionals with ten or more years of experience. Many have advanced degrees in business or technical fields. Typically, our active Participants are unemployed due to layoffs or downsizing, and are working hard to find the next step in their careers. PAPEN teaches them the skills of finding a new position and filling it well from the start. Our alumni, most of whom joined us while unemployed, are working in a variety of responsible positions.

An important part of our program is to "post" or publicize job openings. When an employer sends us information about an opening, we immediately circulate it to all the chapters. Qualified Participants respond on their own to the employer who forwarded the information. Because we are highly oriented to networking, a Participant who is not qualified himself will often pass the opening along to someone else who is. The end result is a thorough exposure of the opening to hundreds of highly qualified potential applicants. So when you have one or more professional openings in your firm, please send us the pertinent information.

Just email us the details of your opening in the Pittsburgh area to, and PAPEN will take care of the rest, including posting it on the website.

If a Participant is interested in the position, he or she will contact you directly.

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PA Professional Employment Network